clock1smallOkay, so the fact you are reading this means you are interested in having dreadlocks. I would love to help you to achieve the look you want, so above are the steps you need to take before you arrive at the big day! First, a word about time! The number of dreadlocks you will have is governed by how thick they are, how thick your hair is and other factors, but you can expect to have between 40 and 60! As you can imagine, that's a lot of dreadin'! So, be prepared to be sitting still for a long period of time. For example, dreading 50 locks including extensions will take around 15 hours and so would normally be done in two 'sittings'. If you are not having extensions, depending on your hair type it could take around 10 hours. There will be plenty of opportunity to stretch your legs and the time will go quickly but you may like to bring a 'backup' of something to read, a DVD or some music.
If you have any questions at all, please contact me on my CONTACT ME link in the menu.