I offer the following services:

  • Full Dreadlock Service - Your own hair fully dreaded. Most people will have at least 40 dreads.

  • Dreaded Hair Extensions - As above but in addition I will dread hair extensions and install these into your hair to provide a full head of dreadlocks at a length to suit you. These can be colour-matched to your own hair or can be a different colour if you wish. This service may need to be done in 2 sessions as it could take up to 2 days to complete.
  • Partial Dreadlocks - Either of the above options can be partially provided. You can have any number of dreads (with or without extensions) installed in your hair. These tend to be less noticeable as they are mixed in with your undreaded hair.
  • Semi-Permanent Dreadlocks - These are made from synthetic hair which is dreaded and then braided into your your own hair, which is not dreaded. Synthetic hair has a rougher feel than real hair so may not be as comfortable to wear. They can be easily removed and so are a good way to try out dreadlocks if you are unsure about wanting a permanent solution. This service can be provided in a day and is significantly cheaper than dreaded permanent hair extensions. Please note that you will need to provide your own synthetic dreadlocks for me to install. I can advise you on this so please get in touch.

  • Maintenance - I offer maintenance sessions where I can tidy up dreads, separate dreads which have combined and tighten up the roots. Maintenance is offered in either half or full day sessions.
  • Dread Removal - If you have dreads which you would like removing, I can do this for you but bear in mind that this is a long process and, depending on your hair, can take several sittings.
  • Shop - I sell hand-made dread beads and ornate dread cuffs. All of these are individual and unique so the items on offer will vary from time to time. I also sell a range of dreadlock-friendly hair products which you can purchase from me on your visit at a special price.

For a guide to the cost of these services, please see the PRICING link on the menu at the top of the page. Dread removal and Partial Dreads are not listed on the price guide as these depend on other factors, so please use my CONSULTATION form for a free, no obligation quote or discussion.