Pixielox adheres to fundamental health & safety guidelines:

I will always  carry out a consultation either online via Zoom, over the phone or face-to-face. It is important that you know what to expect from your dreadlock experience. During this consultation, I can give you an idea of how long it will take and if there are any health implications. It is really important that I get to know you before your session. This consultation is free of charge.

Keeping it Clean

I always make sure that all my equipment is sterilised and hygienic.

Booking and enquiries

If you have any questions or wish to book a consultation, please contact me and I'll aim to reply within 24 hours. You can either use our online "Contact Me" form or you can contact me via my Facebook page (**Link to follow**).
Once you have had your initial consultation, I will book you into my calendar. For extension work, I do require a deposit to cover the cost of the hair.